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2025 Events

Events Schedule

February 16Appins Spring Gathering / Make & Mend (Private social event - members only)
The yearly informal gathering to exchange information, pull together your kit, and feast!
Dan Gilbert's House
Vienna, VA
Dan Gilbert
March 15-16Military Through The Ages, Jamestown, VAJamestown, VAPhilip Cromwell & Bob Burchell
March 22Maryland Days Historic London Town, MDEdgewater, MDunofficial event
April 26Southern Maryland Celtic FestivalJefferson Patterson Park, St. Leonard, MDPhil Cromwell, Sydney Cromwell, Kevin Riley
April 23-27Ft. Frederick Market Fair (unofficial)Big Pool, MDunofficial event
May 3-4Across the CenturiesFort Loudon, PAunofficial event
June 7-8Carroll County Celtic FestivalWestminster, MDBob Burchell, Phil Cromwell, Kevin Riley
June 21-22Fort Loudon Market FairFort Loudon, PAunofficial event
July 4Summer Gathering (social)Vienna, VADan Gilbert
July TBDRevolutionary London TownEdgewater, MDunofficial event
August 30-31Virginia Scottish GamesThe Plains, VAChris Cody, Dan Gilbert
October 4-5Harpers Ferry Highland GamesHarpers Ferry, WVunofficial event
October TBD (likely Oct 25-26)Appin Weekend at Historic London TownEdgewater, MDMara Riley, Kevin Riley
November 8-9Allegheny Uprising (unofficial)Fort Loudon, PAunofficial event
December 6Scottish Christmas Walk, Alexandria, VAAlexandria, VABill Johnson, Philip Cromwell
December 6Appin Annual Meeting (private, members only)Vienna, VADan Gilbert